- biostat3::brvBereavement dataset
- biostat3::colonColon cancer dataset
- biostat3::colon_sampleSample from the 'colon' dataset used for teaching.
- biostat3::dietDiet data set
- biostat3::melanomaMelanoma cancer dataset
- biostat3::popmortpopmort dataset, with population-based mortality rates
- collett::HELPHealth evaluation and linkage to primary care
- collett::IUDTime to discontinuation of the use of an IUD
- collett::active_hepatitisChronic active hepatitis
- collett::bcancerPrognosis for women with breast cancer
- collett::bladderRecurrence of bladder cancer
- collett::bone_marrowBone marrow transplantation
- collett::bone_marrow_txPatient outcome following bone marrow transplantation
- collett::breast_rfsRecurrence free survival in breast cancer patients
- collett::dialysisInfection in patients on dialysis
- collett::ducksSurvival of black ducks
- collett::gcancerSurvival of patients with gastric cancer
- collett::granulomatousChronic granulomatous disease
- collett::illustrationA numerical illustration
- collett::kidneyTreatment of hypernephroma
- collett::kidneytxComparisons between kidney transplant centres
- collett::lbrdata0Data from a cirrhosis study (lbr data)
- collett::leukaemiaBone marrow transplantation in the treatment of leukaemia
- collett::liverSurvival of liver transplant recipients
- collett::liver_countingData from a cirrhosis study (in counting process format)
- collett::liverbaseData from a cirrhosis study (baseline)
- collett::livertxTime to death while waiting for a liver transplant
- collett::lungSurvival of patients registered for a lung transplant
- collett::mammaryRecurrence of mammary tumours in female rats
- collett::melanomaSurvival times of patients with melanoma
- collett::miceSurvival of laboratory mice
- collett::myelomaSurvival of multiple myeloma patients
- collett::ovarianChemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients
- collett::prostaticComparison of two treatments for prostatic cancer
- collett::pulmonaryPulmonary metastasis
- collett::tamoxifenClinical trial of tamoxifen in breast cancer patients
- collett::tplantSurvival following kidney transplantation
- collett::ulcerRecurrence of an ulcer
- collett::valveSurvival following aortic valve replacement
- etm::abortionPregnancies exposed to coumarin derivatives
- etm::fourDPlacebo data from the 4D study
- etm::los.dataLength of hospital stay
- etm::sir.contVentilation status in intensive care unit patients
- magree::landisLandis and Koch dataset.
- microsimulation::fhcrcDataOld data used in the prostata model
- nltm::melanomaMelanoma survival data
- rstpm2::brcancerGerman breast cancer data from Stata.
- rstpm2::colonColon cancer.
- rstpm2::legendre.quadrature.rule.200Legendre quadrature rule for n=200.
- rstpm2::popmortBackground mortality rates for the colon dataset.